Why Join?

  • Representation: Delegate representation in each component national organization

  • Expertise: Members represent nearly 50 years experience in the medical, dental, & pharmaceutical fields

  • Advocacy: A collective voice on critical issues such as health disparities, increasing a diverse workforce and confronting implicit bias

  • Networking: The opportunity to learn more about not only your discipline but others as well in formal and informal social environment

  • Mentorship: Student interaction in each discipline as well as pre-health undergraduate students

    The Annual Meeting affords the opportunity to earn accredited Continuing Medical Education credits.
    Annual membership dues are due each year at the annual meeting.

Students, residents, and first year practitioners may join the PMDPA for FREE. Enjoy the opportunity to network and learn from accomplished African-American medical professionals across South Carolina.

Students, Residents & First Year Practitioners

We welcome all South Carolina African-American medical, dental, and pharmaceutical professionals to join the PMDPA. Since 1896, our organization has encouraged, supported, and challenged members to continue the organization’s rich traditions.
