The Name of this organization shall be the Palmetto State Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Association.





            The purpose of this Association shall be to:

A.        Promote the sciences and arts of the participating branches of medicine;

B.        Nurture the growth and diffusion of scientific knowledge;

C.        Stimulate collegial dialog among its members;

D.        Enhance the quality of health services;

E.         Advocate for the improvement of health in our constituent communities;





            The active membership of this Association shall consist of graduates of accredited professional schools who possess a current license to practice medicine, osteopathy, dentistry, podiatry and pharmacy in the state of South Carolina, and who are active members of one of the component medical societies of the state.  This Association may elect to offer reciprocal membership, residents of other states or U.S. territories, where the state requirements are equivalent to those of South Carolina.  Names of proposed reciprocal members must be submitted to the Executive Board for approval, who will in turn present such names to the Association.  Other categories of membership include:


A.        Emeritus Membership:  Any member who has maintained a regular membership for 40 years will become an emeritus member.  Any member past age seventy (70) or totally disabled, who has continued membership in the Association for a minimum of five (5) years may apply by letter to the Executive Committee for emeritus status.  Emeritus members pay no dues and will have the same rights and privileges of active members.


B.        Associate Membership:          Those physicians, dentists, osteopaths, podiatrists and pharmacists who wish to associate but do not have a South Carolina license, may at the discretion of the Association be granted associate membership. Associate members may also be doctors (as defined under “active membership” above) in post-graduate school training (residency or fellowship) or holding academic degrees in a health related field and equivalent to an doctorate. Associate members pay regular dues and are granted complete participation..  Associate members shall have all duties and privileges except voting and holding office of President or President-Elect.


C.        Other Medical Discipline Affiliate Membership:  Those Nurses, Physician Assistants, Clinical Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, Optometrists and Certified Pharmacy Technicians who wish to associate and who have a license to practice in South Carolina may at the discretion of the Association be granted limited membership after paying regular dues.  This membership includes all the benefits of regular membership except voting privileges or holding office.


D.        Honorary Membership:          Honorary members may be distinguished personalities in the community who hold degrees in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy osteopathy, podiatry or health related fields and has made contributions of outstanding nature.  The title may be conferred without time limit upon approval of two-thirds of the body at its annual meeting.  This level of membership will carry no obligations of duties or dues.


E.         All applications for active or associate membership shall be presented to the Executive Committee in writing, signed by three (3) active members and accompanied by the appropriate evidence of good standing in their component  Association.


F.         If an application is rejected, the dues and assessments shall be returned.  The application may be renewed at any time after the expiration of six (6) months.


ARTICLE IV:  Officers


Section 1:

            The officers of this Association shall be:


A.        President

B.        President Elect

C.        Executive Secretary

D.        Recording Secretary

E.         Treasurer

F.         Historian

G.        Parliamentarian

H.        General chairperson of the Program committee

I.          Director of Exhibits

J.         Chairperson of the Membership Committee

K.        Executive Vice President of Medical Affairs

L.         Executive Vice President of Dental Affairs

M.       Executive Vice President of Pharmaceutical Affairs

N.        Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee

O         Chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee

P.         Chairperson of the Necrology Committee

Q.        Chairperson of the Web Site Committee

R.        Chairperson of the Time & Place Committee

S.         Chairperson of the Awards & Recognition Committee

T.         Members of the Executive Board.

U.        Chairperson of the Executive Board

V.        Immediate Past President


Section 2:

            Those eligible to hold office on this Association will be those members who:

A.        Are active members

B.        Have dues current.


Section 3:

            The duties of these Officers shall be to execute the obligations pertaining to their respective offices:

A.        The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the            organization, to enforce the Constitution and by-laws of the organization, to           decide questions of order, and to appoint ad hoc committee chairs with the             approval of the board and to serve as spokesperson for the organization.  He          shall prepare and deliver an address (The President’s Annual Address) at the         opening session.

B.        The duties of the President-Elect shall be to preside at all meetings in the   absence of the President and to assist the President in his/her duties and to    serve    as spokesperson for the organization.  In the case of death, resignation, or removal of the President, the vacancy shall be filled by the President-Elect.

C.        The duties of the Executive Secretary shall be to maintain the membership             roster, to take roll and to handle correspondence.

D.        The duties of the Recording Secretary shall be to record and keep minutes of         the meetings.

E.         The duties of the Treasurer shall be to collect dues, to maintain accurate     financial records, to make expenditures, to regularly report to the organization                and handling tax returns and tax issues.  He or she is the custodian of all monies    and securities of the Association, subject to the directions of the Executive board.

F.         The duties of the Historian shall be to create, maintain and keep a record of the     history of the organization that can be made available to officers, board             members and financially active members upon request in a timely fashion.

G.        The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be to keep order in meetings and ensure     adherence to Robert’s Rules.

H.        The duties of the Board Chairperson shall be to provide leadership (along with      the president and other officers) for the Board, represent the organization to the            public and serve as liaison from the organization to other professional        organizations, including, but not limited to fundraising.

I.          The duties of the Committee Chairpersons will be to provide leadership in successfully performing the functions of the specific committee to which they are assigned.

J.         The duties of the Immediate Past-President will be to serve in an advisory function and to represent the organization to the public.

Section 4:

            The term of office of the President and President Elect and Immediate Past President shall be two years with the possibility of re-election for one additional term.  No President or President Elect can hold consecutive office for more than two terms.

            The remaining officers will require re-election every two years with no limitation on the number of terms that they are re-elected.






            The Executive Board shall consist of twenty (20) Anchor Members, each to serve two years (or the term of their service in their respective offices):


A.        President

B.        President-Elect

C         Executive Secretary

D.        Treasurer

E.         Historian

F.         Parliamentarian

G.        Chair of the Program Committee

H.        Director of Exhibits Chair of Exhibit and Publicity Committee

I.          Chair of Public Relations Committee

J.         Chair of the Membership Committee

K.        Chair of Time and Place Committee

L.         Executive Vice President of  Medical Affairs

M.       Executive Vice President of Dental Affairs

N.        Executive Vice President of Pharmaceutical Affairs

O.        Chair of the Constitution & By-laws Committee

P.         Chair of the Necrology Committee

Q.        Chair of the Web-Site Committee

R.        Chair of the Awards & Recognition Committee

S.         Chairperson of the Board

T.         Immediate Past President



            Each of these Anchor Members have full voting rights on all matters pertaining to the Executive Board and its proceedings.  Annually, there shall be three (3) members elected to fill the vacancies of the expired members.


            The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Association and shall finalize all plans for the annual meeting.


            The Executive board shall meet at least quarterly, to include the annual meeting.  Additionally, the Executive board may meet at any time or place at the request of the President of the Association or the Chairperson of the Board or by any three (3) members of the Executive Board.


            A quorum for the transaction of Executive Board business shall be ten (10) Board members.


            The Chairperson of the Executive Board shall serve a five (5) year term and can be re-elected one time consecutively.


            The Program Committee shall be elected every two (2) years and shall consist of the chairpersons for each section-Medical, Dental, Pharmaceutical.






            The general Chairperson of the Program Committee shall be elected by The Association every six years and can be re-elected one time consecutively.




Scientific Session


            At each annual session, a scientific session may be held at the discretion of the Executive Board, as a refresher course for the Association and attending visitors.  Proper continuing education credits shall be awarded all persons desirous of such credits via the Executive Board by an accrediting organization.




            The Association shall begin its annual session on a weekend in April, beginning Thursday and ending Sunday noon or at such other time that the Executive Board may designate.






A.        Any member who has failed to pay his dues for two (2) consecutive years shall be dropped from the roll, but only after notice has been given to the member by the Executive Board in writing.


B.        No member shall take part in the proceedings of the Association until he or she has registered and paid his/her dues.


C.        The annual dues of the Association shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by the body at the last business meeting of each annual session.





Suspension and Re-Instatement


A.        Any member committing a professional misdemeanor or bringing dishonor himself or herself or the organization, may be suspended or expelled from the Association, upon two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at the end of the second (2nd) business meeting of the annual session.

            A complaint in writing must be forwarded to the Executive Secretary of the Association, and presented at the next meeting of the Executive Board.  The Executive Board will appoint an investigating committee to ascertain all facts in the case, invite the individual member in question, by registered letter, to meet with the Executive board’s Investigating Committee to defend his or her actions.  A report of the Investigating Committee will be made in writing to the Executive Board at its earliest time, and recommendations of the Board’s actions will be made at the first business meeting of the next annual session.


B.        Any member whose name has been dropped from the roll may be reinstated by presenting satisfactory evidence to the Association and payment of dues.




Business Meetings of the Association


A.        There shall be two (2) business meetings of the Association during the annual session.

            1.         The first business meeting shall be held the first or second day of the annual session.  At this time, the Association will declare the annual meeting in session.


                        The following will be the order of procedure:

                        a.         Call to order by the President.

                        b.         Invocation

                        c.         With the President presiding, the following business shall be                                               transacted;

                                    1).        Reading and adoption of minutes followed by unfinished                                                     business and important communications.

                                    2).        Report of Executive Board.

                                    3).        Reading of amendments to the Constitution.

                                    4).        Reports of Committees with urgent matters to come before                                                  the Association.

                                    5).        Presentation of the President of the Association, who will                                                    deliver his or her annual message.

            2.         The second business meeting of the Association shall be held the second (2nd) or third day of the annual session.


                        The President presiding, the following business shall be transacted:

                        a.         Invocation

                        b.         Reading and adoption of minutes.

                        c.         Old business

                        d.         Report of committees

                        e.         Reclamation and new members

                        f.          New business

                        g.         Report of Nomination Committee and election of officers

                        h.         Selection of place for next annual meeting

                        i.          Installation of officers

                        j.          Adjournment




Nomination and election of officers


A.        A slate of officers shall be presented to the body by the nomination committee.


B.        Nomination of officers may also be made from the floor in open session.


C.        All elections shall be decided by a majority of votes cast.

            1.         In case of two (2) or more nominees for the same office, voting shall be done by secret ballot with a majority vote determining the election.


The Past President’s Council


A.             The Past President’s Council shall consist of all past presidents active with the Association

B.             The Council will elect a chairperson and a secretary or any officer they deem necessary every two years to coincide with the election of other officers.

C.             Records and minutes of the Past President’s Council shall become affixed as a permanent part of the records of the Palmetto Medical, Dental and Pharmaceutical Association

D.            The Past President’s Breakfast may be held during the Annual Meeting of the Palmetto Medical Dental and Pharmaceutical Association at the discretion of the Council, as an established function. The format will be decided by the Council. The cost of the breakfast shall be included in the budget of the Association if not provided for through external sources.

E.             Regular or Called meetings may be held at the discretion of the Council.

F.             The Past President’s Council shall function in the following capacity:

G.                  1.         To serve as the nomination committee and present a slate of officers to the body. Nomination of officers may also be made from the floor in open session. 

H.                  2.         To present a report during the second annual business meeting containing recommendations for the good of the organization. Any recommendation must be acted upon, voted on and adopted by the general body before it becomes law.

I.                     3.         To act as a resource pool to call from for commissions and other appointments, whether the position is filled from the ranks of the Council or from a  recommendation of the Council after proper vetting of the candidate.




A.        The President shall appoint the following committees:

            1.         Membership

            2.         Credentials

            3.         Necrology

            4.         Publicity

            5.         Public Relations

            6.         Nomination

                        a.         The Nomination Committee shall consist of past presidents of the                                       Association.

            7.         Recruitment and Retention

            8.         Web Site


B.        Any person representing Palmetto Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Association or any of its constituents, on the national or international levels, must be an active member of the state association and also a member of the local society where the local society is active.




            Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary guide for the Association.




            Any article of this constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at the second business meeting, during the annual session of the Association, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and read at the first business meeting during the annual session.